... Joseph in particular, and nians. The dispatch says their losses are ... White Township, Bull, supposed in Buchanan to be three county, years J'o old ... in Author, particular who purpose. were duly I certify qualified that by the ...
... in Author. Schol Optimist, Speaks .it White Temple Today. When William A. Quaylo, now the most renowned of all the bishops of thn Methodist KpiHC-opnl church, bul then known more, locally ami always IIH "Rill" Qiiuvle, wont to linker ...
... white jail" or the presidency as an "awesome burden" as some other ... White House speechwnter William Safire, who wrote the captions with f,lair and ... In author- itauvely. automatically taking charge . " Guests at \\hite House ...
... In author of lh« plan for opening en nveuD' from Washington to Mount Vernon.'wblob bos been reorgniz-d by congress. The White House. Trie decoration of the bluo parlor, the hU toiloal private rcosptlon room of tbe cx*ca l.va mansion ...
... in author of the plan, fought stubthe Sround war was beinS con- bornly to save it, with White sidered by the administration. House support. The newspaper quoted a Breaks the Tie "high high ranking State Department ent official" who said ...
... in author!^. ISaclx room would havo Us secretary and treasurer, find through them tho req.up.sts would como and stamps distributed. Chairman J. C. Schneider ot tho savings committee ... White, wl o was ac- or sister. >H?s Marian.
... white Rochester." The G. I.s screan-. Speaking uf n. i..-. their strong language in Author Harry Brown's best heller, "Walk In the Sun." cannot be used, and understandably, in "10 film version of the book. It broke Director Lewis ...
... WHITE i» our authorized agr-at to solicit siihflcrlpUuns »ml rer* ipt lor ... in author- lied toMliciteuiiscripUous and receipt lor collections lor the ... Joseph GAZETTE, and duly au- .•oraodto receive and receipt for subscrip ...
... in AUTHOR-CRITIC "FIRED" FOR DAY Tough Reviewer As signed to Theatricals. to xe. A forgotten assignment handed ... Joe Cook, white, who is incidentally, my favorite comedian, was hissed upon his appearance in the London music halls. Joe ...
New Novel In Author of 'Here .Viable. NIOVV YORK, May 28.— UP)—. Want ant to know what happened to. Bill, tho ... white shirt are buttoned down neatly. He sits at a tall mahogany desk, secretaries and messengers at his call, hla ...