Illustrated with a set of cohesive, theoretically-informed, international case studies constructed through storytelling, this volume expands readers' knowledge about how tourism planning and policymaking takes place.
William W. Bonney. Discussion : Circulating Antigens and Antibodies 1 , 2 TABLE 1. - Clinical usefulness of tumor antigen extracts for in bladder cancer Confirmation of diagnosis SPECIFICITY AND CELL INTERACTIONS. A. C. Hollinshead : Let ...
Explores the impact of country and firm specific factors, the role of institutions and governments, the strive for compensation of initial disadvantages and the struggle in finding ways to counterbalance late coming into the international ...
The Routledge Companion to Rural Planning provides a critical account and state of the art review of rural planning in the early years of the twenty-first century.
Provides a social history of how the CIA used the psychedelic drug LSD as a tool of espionage during the early 1950s and tested it on U.S. citizens before it spread into popular culture, in particular the counterculture as represented by ...
Set at the intersection of political theory and environmental politics, yet with broad engagement across the environmental social sciences and humanities, The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Political Theory, defines, illustrates, and ...
This detailed study, by a Pulitzer-prize-winning historian, of their activities and of the gradual breakdown of communications between the colonies and the mother country, until the link between the two become only "a rope of sand," is, in ...