William L
Bill Smith became a Christian, a passionate lover and follower of Jesus, and preacher on the streets of Liverpool while still in his teens. Following training at Moorlands Bible College, he became a Baptist pastor and has worked in mission... Google Books
The Pursuit of Pleasure
A New and Original Exposition of the Book of Revelation, as Well as the Prophecies of Daniel, Ezekiel, Joel, &c., With Useful and Practical Observations; Together With Numerous Citations From the Jewish Talmuds and Targums; and Also From Ancient History A
The Practice in Proceedings in the Probate Courts; Including the Probate of Wills; Appointment of Administrators, Guardians, and Trustees; Allowances; Sale of Real and Personal Estate; Settlement of Accounts; Distribution of Estates; Assignment Of...
A New Catechetical Hebrew and English Grammar: Containing All the Rules Essential to a Correct and Critical Knowledge of the Language in a Simple and Comprehensive Form. Also, the First Twenty-four Psalms, Literally Translated, the Ten Commandments, Etc. Etc
A complete Hebrew and English critical and pronouncing dictionary: on a new and improved plan, containing all the words in the Holy Bible, both Hebrew and Chaldee...to which is added an English index of nearly one hundred pages
The Practice in Proceedings in the Probate Courts: Including the Probate of Wills; Appointment of Administrators, Guardians, and Trustees; Allowances; Sale of Real and Personal Estate; Settlement of Accounts; Distribution of Estates; Assignment of Dower,