New Church gen. confer. • died one hundred years ago , and his pro- fessed ... New Church . These have recently organized " The London Association of the ... in author , in his Summary Exposition of the Doctrines of the New Church ...
... New Testament , and other writings , have been its standards of Arminian orthodoxy , while the rigid exam- ination to which all candidates for the ministry are sub- jected is its chief security ... CHURCH METHODIST EPISC . CHURCH 171.
... General Rules of the united societies . system , and incorporated with it other and objectiona- | the plan of our ... New Testament , and other writings , have been its isters or preachers of ... CHURCH 171 METHODIST EPISC . CHURCH.
... Conference of the A.m.e. Church , Park Place , Homestead , Pa . , Oct. 12-16 , 1932 , 11-12 . 28. Ibid . 29 ... Church that Shall Survive , " Quadrennial Sermon delivered at the A.m.e. General Conference , New York City , May 6 ...
... church that art . For shame ! ISSUED WEEKLY BY THE METHODIST PUBLISHING ... new . When the ADVOCATE does not arrive regularly , notify us by postal card ... Gen. Sherman , is in Porto Rico , having been commissioned by the ...
... church— a position which was vindicated by the admission of women to the General Conference of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church in 1900 , and in author- izing their license to preach by the General Conference in Des Moines in 1920 ...
... Church in New Haven were , with the express approval of the bishop of the diocese , open to members of the Con- gregational Council . 1914 , 285 young people were confirmed an ample and. LUTHERAN The General ... in author- izing the committee ...
... Church , South : - You are aware , I suppose , that the undersigned was again re - elected Book Agent of the M. E. Church , South , at the recent General Conference in Rich- streams to cheer and refresh the Church Miles , principals ...
... Church , I have labored with these men for twenty years , and the men that work the hardest of any men I have ever lived with in my life are the men who are in author ... New Testament we will find that when the Lord organized His Church in ...
... confer the priest- of Jesus Christ , to be the first elder of this hood of Aaron , which holds the keys of the church ; and to Oliver Cowdery , who was ministering of angels , and of the gospel of also called of God an apostle of Jesus ...