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inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate from
... United states governor at Alaska tor prosecution under the law. Officers of ... congress from l^b'9 to If7-r>. President lirant appointed him assistant ... Senate— Siirelnl Sexalou. WASHINGTON, March Is —The senate opened with ...
inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate from
... in author of a lii II which ho presented in Congress Tuesday looking toward the erection of an amphitheatre in the ... Senate and HOUBO of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress. Hssemhlttd. "Section J. —That a ...
inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate from
... senator a suggestion that Ickes should "first get elected to the United States Senate" if he wishes to tell it "how to conduct its business." He also accused the secretary of "deceit" in issuing press releases. Former Congressman. Wilson ...
inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate from
... State Convention .convened in the Senate Chamber, in this cityyat one o'clock today. There was about one hundred in attendance, and among the number we noticed four or five ladies. A large majority da attendance were farmers, who had ...
inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate from
... United States having small ll beginnings In congress. The Impetus s given ... In author thor of the bill. It also would prevtdo d a federal license ... senate and house Interstate commerce committees to regulate the Interstate ...
inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate from
... in the senate of of o the I'nited Stiles, where he serve He has also accumu.^. lated a considerable property by devel oping the vast and multifarious re- sc'i.ive- of IMS state Nobody ever r churned that he got one cent dishonnestly t ...
inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate from
... Us course .through congress. Also okayed by a volco voto voto *\vas an amendment whleh senator senator Brlcker (R.), Ohio, said was need- ~ed to assure that there be no un- necessary road -blocks In develop- ihen* of 'he hydrogen Viomb ...
inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate from
... Senate and thus become a law. "I have been hoping for the sake of the workingmen of the United States ... Congress next December. tha congressional elections will occur; and the ... In : author- •' \\ill ' gin • . < Micr i "w . ,iso ...
inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate from
... in the naval appropriation that has come be- fore the committee, with the ... Senate Committee on n , Affairs, no member in Congress s bppn a stro»S('r «r ... States nnd other States n wrong e sion as TO ihe real sentiment of the ...
inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate from
... United States] anywhere from an additional five to nine billion dollars further into hook, as it were, hasl been passed in the House ofj Representatives at Washington- -jttst as it was a week or so ago) the United States Senate. It is ...