inauthor: William Ernest Johnson from
... Johnson , “ A Reminisence [ sic ] , ” Pulse Magazine ( 1948 ) . See also note 1 . 32. William E. Clark , " Johnson's Loss Blow to Theatre , " Negro Actor , July 15 , 1938 , clipping in Author Publicity File , James Weldon Johnson ...
inauthor: William Ernest Johnson from
... William E. Johnson, July 1923, Indian Rights Association Papers (1923), Letters, reel 39, D'Arcy McNickle Center for ... in author's possession. 59. LaBarre field notes, August 26, 1935, KFN. 60. Collier field notes, July 11, 1935 ...
inauthor: William Ernest Johnson from
... Johnson's illness . Personal communication , May 2 , 1974. For an unexpected confirmation of my inference that Johnson suffered a stroke in 1936 , see HJ to Jack , January 19 , 1940 quoted in Burke , " Hiram Johnson's Impressions of William ...
inauthor: William Ernest Johnson from
The Doc, as we newsmen knew him, would be pleased."--James J. Kilpatrick "I picked up this book in the early evening, and it was 2:30 A.M. before I reluctantly laid it aside. That's no exaggeration.
inauthor: William Ernest Johnson from
E. Jane Rosenthal. Stewart , Yvonne G. and Lynn S. Teague 1974 Stockmarr , J. 1974 Thomas , David ... In author's possession . ( Subsequently published in 1977 , in Science 198 ( 4313 ) : 189-92 . ) Wasley , William W. and Alfred E. Johnson ...
inauthor: William Ernest Johnson from
They Left Us Everything is a funny, touching memoir about the importance of preserving family history to make sense of the past, and nurturing family bonds to safeguard the future.
inauthor: William Ernest Johnson from
... Bill Johnson does not appear on Internet lists of those killed in Beirut ( checked on internet by author in October 2002 ) . 69. Honduras This Week , " Meet his gray eminence , John Negroponte , " Online Edi- tion 30 , July 30 , 2001 ...
inauthor: William Ernest Johnson from
... Johnson , " Keep ' em Rollin ' , ” 173 , copy in author's collection . 18. Frank Bozoski , questionnaire ; Charles G ... William E. Carraway to author , November 9 , 1972 . 22. Bland and Ritenour , Papers of Marshall , I : 273 ...
inauthor: William Ernest Johnson from
... Johnson , " Charles McNary and the Republican Party " ( Ph.D. diss . , University of Wisconsin , 1967 ) , pp . 170-76 . 44. Hiram Johnson to Hiram Johnson , Jr. , 22 ... William E. Leuchtenburg , Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Notes 343.