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What does efectivo mean in English slang?
Why is cash called efectivo?
What is the meaning of effectivo?
What is efectivo in Mexico?
Nov 7, 2023 · One of meanings of "efectivo" is "true, real". So that's "true" money as opposed to stocks, securities, vouchers, etc.
1. (efficacious). effective. a. effective. La vacuna tarda unos días en ser efectiva.The vaccine takes a few days to become effective. · 2. (genuine). a. real.
Jan 26, 2020 · To pay "en efectivo" in Spanish means to pay "en cash", it sounds like effective in English and can aslo mean something similar.
Translation of "efectivo" to English. Source text: efectivo. Translation results: cash. Dictionary translations for "efectivo".
Translations for efectivo in the English»Spanish Dictionary (Go to Spanish»English) ; efficacious. efectivo ; effectual. efectivo ; encash · hacer efectivo form.
efectivo (feminine efectiva, masculine plural efectivos, feminine plural efectivas). Pre-reform spelling (until Brazil 1943/Portugal 1990) of efetivo.
¿Cómo quieres que te pague? - En efectivo, por favor.How do you want me to pay you? - In cash, please. b. cash. Tuve que pagar en efectivo porque me olvidé ...
noun. cash. money; → efectivo;. money in the form of notes/bills and coins. cash; → efectivo;. adjective. of facts. factual; → efectivo;.
efectivo noun {m}. cash ▽ (money in the form of notes/bills and coins) noun [UK: kæʃ] [US: ˈkæʃ]I need cash. = Necesito efectivo. money [monies] ▽ (hard cash)
efectivo. sustantivo masculino [dinero] cash en efectivo in cash efectivo en caja cash in hand. efectivos. sustantivo masculino plural [personal] forces ...