Empresa fragrances, selected by master artisans of Italian haute perfumery, blended with essences of the finest raw materials.
Since 1999 we create clothes that belong to your soul.✨ Made in Italy precious leather, treated with natural products to preserve its magical energy.
Store Locator: Florence, Foto 2 MAN, Via Monalda 7, FLORENCE, Telephone: +39 055 218677, Woman, Via Monalda 7, FIRENZE, Telephone: +39 055 218677
Rating (9) ˇ €€€
Loved the unique style and great fitting cuts. Probably best suited for 20-40 year old men who are height weight proportionate.
This internationally-recognized boutique fashion house. Explore men's, women's, and fragrances at the only United States location.
Empresa is a high quality and contemporary artisanal brand, completely made in Italy. The brand was founded by the four Baranes brothers.
Apr 24, 2024 ˇ Come visit us at the store nearest you.✨ Dove l'anima si allevia e il cuore si sente a casa. Dove i sogni non hanno paura di realizzarsi.
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Rating (31)
Discover the magic of Made in Italy in Empresa stores.✨ Nel cuore di Empresa, ogni cucitura racconta una storia, ogni tessuto custodisce un segreto.