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Autodisciplina Para Principiantes: Construye La Fuerza Y Comienza A Practicar El Ejercicio De Motivación, Los Buenos Hábitos Y Logra Tus Objetivos · Hardcover.
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Aug 25, 2020 · Learning to effectively lead yourself and others all comes down to discipline. Happiness, success, and fulfillment stem from focus and self-control.
Usamos la autodisciplina ética para superar y deshacernos del karma. We use ethical self-discipline to overcome and rid ourselves of karma.
Sua autodisciplina era evidente na forma como ela organizava sua rotina diária. Her self-discipline was evident in the way she organized her daily routine.
Feb 28, 2023 · "Farei isso quando estiver com vontade." "Não se preocupe. O prazo de entrega é só daqui a uma semana." "Não estou com vontade.".
Y ya desde el colegio emprendió una dura tarea de autodisciplina. El Mundo del Siglo Veintiuno. (1995) ...
Translations for autodisciplina in the English»Spanish Dictionary (Go to Spanish»English) ; self-discipline. autodisciplina f ; getting up early is good ...
... example: - What is mental toughness. - Traits of mental tough people. - Assessing your mental strength. - Mental toughness for personal accomplishment. - Using ...
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Toamna trecută, prin constrângere, autodisciplina mea a fost compromisă. Last autumn, under great duress, my self-discipline was compromised.
Rating (837) · $17.95 · In stock
Autodisciplina: Descubre el Poder de la disciplina, para Cambiar de hábitos con La ciencia de la autodisciplina, aumentando la productividad, fuerza ... ( ...
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