There, she meets a creature named Fawn, whose soft voice and kindness lure her to him. Thinking she has made a strange new friend, she promises to return the next day—but Fawn has other ideas.
Lured into the backyard by the sweet smell of lilacs, young Fawn and her mother are frightened away by a creaking door. Will this timid pair dare to return to the tempting lilac trees? Includes a glossary of key animal and plant terms.
The book is a poignant exploration of the symbiotic relationship between humans and animals, encouraging readers to appreciate and protect the natural world.
The Lost Fawn is a fictional childrenaEUR(tm)s book about a boy and father who were exploring the woods near their home when suddenly they stumble upon a lost, scared fawn who could not find his way home.
" "Why now?" or "Why at all?" This delightful, true story will revive the awe of the "impossible," and remind the reader that God has the power to heal and resurrect life, even in the darkest, most painful, moments of it!
Casebound board books with easy to download e-book and activities. Fawn is a baby deer. She is exploring the world with her Mommy, Daddy and Sister. Follow along as she plays peek-a-boo, has her face washed and falls fast asleep.