This is not a book about trains but about the variety of Spain. Bestselling author Christopher Howse makes ten great railway journeys that explore the interior of the peninsula, its astonishing landscapes and ancient buildings.
Christopher Howse recaptures the lost Soho he once knew as home, its cellar cafés and butchers' shops, its villains and its generosity. While it lasted, time in those smoky rooms always seemed to be half past ten, not long to closing time.
Christopher Howse's weekly dose of spiritual wisdom has been deeply appreciated by countless readers of The Daily Telegraph. This book is published at their insistence.
"Featuring the work of correspondents as colourful as their despatches, How we saw it gives a fascinating picture of the way people have lived and the remarkable things they have done during the past century and a half.
She Literally Exploded is sharply illustrated by the Telegraph's award-winning cartoonist Matt.Includes: Blue-sky thinking. Species of daydreaming for which businesses are usually billed by the hour. Enjoy!