inauthor:"Mark L. Prophet" from
These great Masters from the world's spiritual traditions have retreats, where we can go in spiritual meditation and while our bodies sleep at night. The Prophets describe their lives and their incredible spiritual retreats.
inauthor:"Mark L. Prophet" from
The Path of Christ or Antichrist provides clarity and insight into the most important choice that we make in life, to be or not to be who we really are. This is a choice we affirm with each decision, large or small, that we make in life.
inauthor:"Mark L. Prophet" from
In "The Enemy Within", Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet bring a clear understanding and spiritual tools to help us deal with that enemy within. They reveal what we can fully become when we have overcome the not-self.
inauthor:"Mark L. Prophet" from
Divide and conquer, the tar-baby syndrome, the salami technique--these are just three of the strategies that the fallen angels (and our own dweller-on-the-threshold) use to trip us up. These strategies of darkness are ancient.
inauthor:"Mark L. Prophet" from
We, too, are destined to fulfill our life’s purpose and reunite with Spirit. This intriguing work offers an innovative perspective on the universe and your role in it.
inauthor:"Mark L. Prophet" from
The Science of the Spoken Word also includes instruction on ways to overcome fear with the spoken Word and techniques for breathing, rhythm, posture, meditation and visualization."
inauthor:"Mark L. Prophet" from
Book 3 in the Sacred Adventure series provides just that—detailed advice from the ascended masters for anyone who would like to follow in their footsteps and reach the pinnacle of self-mastery on one of the seven rays, or paths, of the ...
inauthor:"Mark L. Prophet" from
This groundbreaking book records Mary's precious messages of wisdom, hope and love to a troubled world. It also includes the text of five nondenominational rosaries-one for each evening Monday through Friday.
inauthor:"Mark L. Prophet" from
This intriguing book reveals many key roles the master Saint Germain has played throughout history and today as the immortal sponsor of the Aquarian Age. It also shares his priceless alchemical secrets for personal transformation."