On the one hand, [Brother Witness Lee] saw that God's eternal will, His ultimate goal, is to build a house that is the mingling and the mutual dwelling of God and man.
In The Life and Way for the Practice of the Church Life Witness Lee speaks not only of our need to know Christ but also of our need to receive a vision of the church, His Body.
In Christ in His Excellency Witness Lee opens the biblical revelation of the excellent Christ. As the effulgence of the Godhead, He is transcendent and superior to all things; yet we can still enjoy His unsearchable riches.
What is Christ doing now? In this book, Witness Lee answers this question, opening up the second part of Christ’s ministry, the heavenly ministry, the ministry that continues today.
In this book Witness Lee unfolds biblical principles from both the Old and New Testament concerning the proper ground of the church and the importance of oneness in God’s eyes.
This book shows that the Christian life is not a religious exercise but a living in the human spirit which has been joined to the Lord who is the Spirit. Such a living brings forth the new man for the expression of God in humanity.
This monumental and classical work by Brother Witness Lee builds upon and is a further development of all that the Lord has revealed to His church in the past centuries.
The priesthood is the leading ministry of the three and brings the kingship and prophethood into function. In other words, both the kingship and the prophethood depend upon the leading ministry of the priesthood."